+1 5589 55488 55
  • The Company

    World’s largest winemaker

    Ideal Inventory
  • The Challenge

    Determining the ideal inventory based on existing supply chain parameters and current demand

  • Methodology

    A rigorous interview, data collection, modelling and testing model was implemented as follows:

    Collect all data in all existing systems

    Structure over 1,500 active SKUs by category and other sub categories that are available within the systems

    Link Parent SKUs to Child SKUs & determine lead times for each SKU

    Collect commercial and financial sales forecast & align numbers

    Collect Forecast Accuracy (MAPE) by Category by region; determine schedule attainment by plant by category

    Confirm parameters to use for safety stock modeling

    Propose and align on best suited statistical model enabling ideal inventory

    Build model and deliver inventory ($ and volume) by month

    Optimize model to allow for changes in input such as schedule attainment, forecast accuracy and customer service level by category by region and deliver inventory & production ($ and volume)

    Data & Report validation – Testing

    Compare model forecaster ending inventory actual inventory

  • Results

    A $30MM opportunity was identified in inventory while maintaining the current service levels